Best NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Wallet
Borrow, Lend & Swap

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How to get a NEAR wallet

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    Sign up to a CoinRabbit account.

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    Add NEAR Protocol (NEAR) to your wallet.

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    Access wallet features like store, swap, lend, borrow and more.

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CoinRabbit is a crypto platform for everyone

Simple and safe solution for all your needs.

Store NEAR Protocol safely

Keep your NEAR Protocol safe. Your data remains private – no verification required.

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Earn while holding

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Get rewards by putting your crypto assets to work. Open a saving account and start to earn on your crypto today.

Lend, borrow, swap and more

Convert more than 240+ cryptocurrencies seamlessly to NEAR. Get a loan against your NEAR effortlessly without credit checks. Access features like swap and more.

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Easy asset management

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Take control of your crypto. Avoid complicated steps and deposit NEAR Protocol directly to your wallet from exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.

Manage your money with exceptional privacy & securityprivacy text icon

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The safety of our users' funds is a priority for us. CoinRabbit uses its own custody solution for transactions and storage.

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All users' assets and reserves keep on top-tier security cold wallets. That allows us to provide the maximum degree of protection for users' funds.

A NEAR Wallet Worth Relying On

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Get your secure NEAR (NEAR Protocol) wallet right now

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NEAR (NEAR Protocol)

Get your secure wallet right now


Is NEAR wallet safe?
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Yes, the NEAR wallet is safe when used on a trusted platform like CoinRabbit. CoinRabbit employs advanced security features, including cold storage protection, to safeguard your NEAR and other cryptocurrency assets from online threats. Additionally, CoinRabbit ensures that all transactions are secure and that your private keys remain safe. With CoinRabbit, you can store, transfer, and manage your NEAR tokens with peace of mind.

What is a NEAR wallet?
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The NEAR wallet is a digital wallet specifically designed to store, manage, and interact with NEAR tokens. It allows users to send and receive NEAR tokens. With a NEAR wallet on CoinRabbit, you can easily swap between cryptocurrencies, manage your assets, and participate in the NEAR ecosystem.

How to withdraw from NEAR wallet?
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To withdraw NEAR from your old NEAR wallet, first, log in to your NEAR wallet and go to your holdings. Click on the Send button to start the withdrawal process. Then, open your CoinRabbit account and click on the Receive button to get your unique NEAR wallet address. Copy this address and paste it into the recipient field in your old NEAR wallet. Enter the amount of NEAR you wish to withdraw and confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, your NEAR will be securely transferred to your CoinRabbit wallet.

Which wallet is best for NEAR?
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The best wallet for NEAR is one that offers secure storage, ease of use, and full access to the NEAR ecosystem. CoinRabbit wallet is an excellent option for managing NEAR tokens. It provides features like cold storage protection, multi-asset management, fast swaps, and the ability to earn interest on your NEAR holdings. CoinRabbit also supports over 250 other cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile and secure solution for your crypto needs.

What is the NEAR Protocol used for?
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The NEAR Protocol is a scalable, developer-friendly blockchain designed to enable decentralized applications (dApps) to run efficiently. It aims to provide a platform that supports high throughput and low transaction costs, with a focus on usability and scalability. NEAR is used for building decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, games, social platforms, and more. Its proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and innovative sharding technology make it an attractive option for developers and users alike.

What is NEAR Coin used for?
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NEAR Coin (NEAR) is the native cryptocurrency of the NEAR Protocol. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including staking, paying for transaction fees, and participating in governance. NEAR Coin holders can also vote on important protocol decisions, helping to shape the future of the NEAR blockchain.

Is NEAR a good investment?
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Like any cryptocurrency, NEAR can be volatile, and its price is influenced by various factors, including market trends, the growth of the NEAR ecosystem, and broader market sentiment. It's important to do your own research, assess your risk tolerance, and consider consulting with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Always keep in mind that investments in crypto can go up or down.

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