Best Stellar (XLM) Wallet
Borrow, Lend & Swap

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How to get a XLM wallet

  1. first number image

    Sign up to a CoinRabbit account.

  2. second number image

    Add Stellar (XLM) to your wallet.

  3. third number image

    Access wallet features like store, swap, lend, borrow and more.

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CoinRabbit is a crypto platform for everyone

Simple and safe solution for all your needs.

Store Stellar safely

Keep your Stellar safe. Your data remains private – no verification required.

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Earn while holding

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Get rewards by putting your crypto assets to work. Open a saving account and start to earn on your crypto today.

Lend, borrow, swap and more

Convert more than 240+ cryptocurrencies seamlessly to XLM. Get a loan against your XLM effortlessly without credit checks. Access features like swap and more.

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Easy asset management

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Take control of your crypto. Avoid complicated steps and deposit Stellar directly to your wallet from exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.

Manage your money with exceptional privacy & securityprivacy text icon

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The safety of our users' funds is a priority for us. CoinRabbit uses its own custody solution for transactions and storage.

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All users' assets and reserves keep on top-tier security cold wallets. That allows us to provide the maximum degree of protection for users' funds.

A XLM Wallet Worth Relying On

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Get your secure XLM (Stellar) wallet right now

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XLM (Stellar)

Get your secure wallet right now


What is the best wallet for Stellar (XLM)?
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CoinRabbit Wallet is the best option for securely managing your Stellar XLM assets. With top-tier security features, including cold storage and encryption, CoinRabbit provides a seamless platform to store, send, and receive XLM.

What is an XLM wallet?
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An XLM wallet is a digital wallet designed to store and manage Stellar Lumens (XLM), the native cryptocurrency of the Stellar network. CoinRabbit XLM wallet ensures your XLM assets are securely stored, allowing easy access for transactions and participation in the Stellar ecosystem.

How to get a Stellar wallet?
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To get a Stellar wallet on CoinRabbit, follow these steps: 1. Sign Up: Create an account on CoinRabbit. 2. Deposit XLM: Transfer XLM from platforms like Binance or Coinbase into your CoinRabbit wallet. 3. Manage Your XLM: Enjoy secure storage, fast swaps, and the ability to interact with the Stellar network.

Where can I store my XLM?
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The best place to store your XLM is on CoinRabbit. With a secure wallet that utilizes cold storage and encryption, CoinRabbit ensures that your XLM is protected from online threats, while providing easy access and management tools.

Is a Stellar wallet safe?
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Yes, CoinRabbit offers a safe environment for storing your Stellar XLM tokens. The wallet uses advanced security features such as cold storage, encryption, and two-factor authentication, ensuring your assets are protected from risks.

What is an XLM wallet address?
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An XLM wallet address is a unique string of characters that allows you to send and receive Stellar Lumens (XLM). Your XLM address can be found in your CoinRabbit wallet under the 'Receive' section, and you can use it to securely transfer XLM tokens to and from your wallet.

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